Jadin Jackson

How do we find out what’s going on in the brain, so that we can help people with brain disorders? Adding brain-sensing circuitry into deep-brain stimulation devices enables new scientific research into chronic brain diseases and allows prototyping of advanced approaches to manage patients’ symptoms. This talk will describe a new investigational device developed to probe more deeply into the day-to-day function of the brain in patients suffering from debilitating brain diseases. This technology may allow clinicians and scientists to discover new paradigms for managing these diseases and their symptoms.
Dr. Jadin Jackson is a neuroscientist with Medtronic specializing in clinical and
pre-clinical neurophysiological data analysis and big-data analytics. In their
current project, Dr. Jackson and his colleagues are working to revolutionize
the way care providers learn about and treat neurological disorders like
epilepsy, parkinson’s, and more. Dr. Jackson has published multiple peer
reviewed research articles and has been the recipient of numerous honors and
awards, including the Faculty Partnership Grant, Blended Course Design and
Assessment Grants, and Collaborative Inquiry Grant Mentor from the University
of St. Thomas.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHlTek9SOVhCNnNnMjYxZDYxXzBKN29xSFIyZ3xBQ3Jtc0tubXZUYU1EZll3MVpzZmVCSmJTYjdhSTBRS0tRZ2RHdmFxT3dKa09NTnFMeHNXS043dXhQdUdKUEM0Z2Z6dnJ3aWwyRkVGR2tvX0ZWQ0t1QUNXdUd6QkM1NDIwWWZzMmlrckpkUkE5Mk11Rk1fZzFPUQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fted.com%2Ftedx&v=E-vsWf85V_o
Dr. Jadin Jackson is a neuroscientist with Medtronic specializing in clinical and
pre-clinical neurophysiological data analysis and big-data analytics. In their
current project, Dr. Jackson and his colleagues are working to revolutionize
the way care providers learn about and treat neurological disorders like
epilepsy, parkinson’s, and more. Dr. Jackson has published multiple peer
reviewed research articles and has been the recipient of numerous honors and
awards, including the Faculty Partnership Grant, Blended Course Design and
Assessment Grants, and Collaborative Inquiry Grant Mentor from the University
of St. Thomas.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHlTek9SOVhCNnNnMjYxZDYxXzBKN29xSFIyZ3xBQ3Jtc0tubXZUYU1EZll3MVpzZmVCSmJTYjdhSTBRS0tRZ2RHdmFxT3dKa09NTnFMeHNXS043dXhQdUdKUEM0Z2Z6dnJ3aWwyRkVGR2tvX0ZWQ0t1QUNXdUd6QkM1NDIwWWZzMmlrckpkUkE5Mk11Rk1fZzFPUQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fted.com%2Ftedx&v=E-vsWf85V_o