Dr. Cecilia Martinez and Chitra Vairavan

Dr. Martinez shares her beautiful idea that understanding, feeling, and being persuaded by the facts of climate change must be done through art and dance as well as through facts and evidence.

Chitra performs her work titled ஜன்னல்/Jannal/Window Into Healing, a personal meditation. a offering. a ritual. a practice. a vibration. a heartbeat. a dedication.

Dr. Martinez is the Co-founder and Director of Research Programs at the Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy, where she works in collaboration with communities, policy makers and researchers to provide education and
analysis on energy, environment, and development issues so that all members
of society may effectively participate in public decision making. She has authored numerous publications, serves as a leader on the Environmental Justice and Science Initiative and has been appointed to several boards
including the federal Environmental Protection Agency’s National Advisory Committee. Most recently, she was recognized as a White House Champion of Change for Climate and Equity. Dr. Martinez is joined on the TEDxMinneapolis
stage by Chitra Vairaven.

Chitra is a contemporary Indian dancer and choreographer of Tamil/South Indian-American descent.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkZjb3E5TEFHSHZjeENVdHVid3R1aDdidURPZ3xBQ3Jtc0trM3daNXJhWlFNN1FSOWh6QmpiUFlNelpZbHl5ZVFHVGtPRVY2cG9nMC1BeU5xTk96RHJrSnFkZS1pTWxXTnItcXFzTHpTZ2REV2tINTI1ME05VE95WFhRcDdjczlJbVBjMjRTSnpKcUVSWWlKZkFRbw&q=http%3A%2F%2Fted.com%2Ftedx&v=wb3j_gpoL50