2 Sugars Show
2 Sugars is a sketch comedy duo composed of beloved Twin Cities performers, Shanan Custer and Carolyn Pool. Carolyn and Shanan met in 2008, and in their words, “liked each other a great deal, had some coffee, and decided to, you know, write a show about scenes from life, stuff we think is funny.” Their series of scenes and original music won an Ivey Award for Ensemble Acting. Shanan is an adjunct faculty at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul and is a Teaching Artist at the Guthrie Theater, the History Theatre, and Park Square Theatre. Shanan is also an improviser with the Theater of Public Policy. Carolyn Pool has performed at almost every theatre in the Twin Cities, as well as regional theaters across the country. She is the recipient of a 2008 Ivey Award, and in 2011 won “Best Actress” at the SoCal Film Festival for her work in a short film.